Monday, November 7, 2016

Here is the link to your assignment. In this link, listen to and answer the questions asked. You will need to record your answer on, create a link of your audio, copy and paste the link on padlet at: When you post on padlet, be sure to label your post with your real name.
Here is the link:

Bonne chance.
Dr. Nyam

Tuesday, April 5, 2016 pour le Français III:

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

French III: You are a Park Ranger and want to post some rules for French-speaking visitors. Write a paragraph introducing yourself and then read at least 6 rules that you have written forbidding visitors from doing certain things in the park. Remember the goal here is for you to practice speaking, then read the paragraph aloud, record it on vocaroo and post the link on my padlet board (see link below).

This is due: April 7, 2016